My Blog

A little thought and slice of life

February 11th, 2025

So… I recently beat my own highscore of Silver Beat on my local Pump it up! Machine. A big deal and I know you are all screaming in delight upon reading this news. You can see my accomplishment above…


I don’t think there is anything better delight than loud music, flashing lights, and movement. This trifecta comes together in dance rhythm games but also when we go to concerts and anime convention raves (peep my Louis cosplay from this past weekend). I never can seem to get over my quest for sublime integration with media. There is a selfless love that brings people together to play Pump It Up, to go to the anime convention, and to come together in the local gay club. When we gather together and thrash our sweaty bodies around, stumble awkwardly through half-chewn phrases, and desperately make eye-contact to know we aren’t alone, we are greeted with these same actions surrounding us–born of love for anime, a good time, and a hunt for meaning.

Warmest pink tones,


Community Fan-Art Exhibition Call for Submissions!

July 6th, 2024

So, dear Neo-Netizens I am calling in a favor: me and a friend are putting on a fanart exhibition at our local public library and need your help to make it happen!

Our goal with this exhibition is to celebrate the vibrant creations of fanartists in our community and online. This genere of works are often not shown or exhibited in public spaces due to fanart often not being considered as "serious" or "fine art" by art institutions. Fortunately, the library is a space that contains collections of graphic novels, manga, and comics and a space of community gathering where we have the opportunity to showcase amazing creations inspired by these genres of books. The library does not discriminate and encourages free engagement with information, knowledge, and creation. If you would like to have your fanart displayed for a wider audience, please consider submitting to our show. The deadline for submission is July 26th.

Above is the Call for Submissions (danmei themed). As part of the Fan-Art exhibition we wanted to include a section of fanworks from online communities to discuss how almost any fan will have both a physical presence in local/in-person communities and online. To accomplish this we humbly asking for submissions from a myriad of digital communites including Neocities :)

If you are a creator of any kind of artwork inspired by manga (or subsequent anime adaptations), comics, or graphic novels, please consider submitting any of your work. Specifically, digital drawings, fanfiction, cosplay photography, or any medium are accepted for submission. Your works will be displayed in our public library with other fanartists from Tuscaloosa Alabama in the U.S.

Click here to submit!


In many ways Neocities vibrant communities of fan-artists directly inspired our idea to celebrate local fanart in the library. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at


Gangbang~ Pump it up!

July 1st, 2024

If you know me irl then you know I have a chronic, desperate inclination to travel to the arcade. Swiping my arcade card, I am greeted by Pump It Up's exclamation:" G A N G B A N G. "

No matter the hundreds of times I have heard this phrase eminate from the machine, I have yet to piece together what it actually says (because there is no way a random rhythm game loudly exclaims GANGBANG every time a player steps up to the pads). Yet, this phrase "gangbang" does describe in many ways the subjective experience of interracting with PIU's machine. Bright lights strobe, EDM drum and bass immediately blast from the speakers less than three feet from your head. As you tap in to start the round a scantily clad anime girl in the most reediest of voice drones ~HeLlO EvErYOone!!!~

But the most gangbangerly (pardon me) experience that achieves ultimate ecstasy for me (that keeps me coming back over and over again) is the machine's combination of music, visuals, and machine. The history of rhythm game music is vast and PIU's (short for Pump it Up) song selection does not dissapoint: with PIU having been out for 25 years, many incredible bangers and accompanying animated music videos have been licensed for the game. Principally, the one I am most obsessed with, because of its Boys Love content, is: Tatsh's Silver Beat.

See the image below to view evidence of me holding the current highscore for single 16 on my local machine.


This song's music video is basically a running check list of BL visual requirements stripped of narrative information, but supremely heightened by the experience of slamming your little toes down onto flashing arrows as Pefects! build up, meaning you are closer and closer to total synthetic convergence of machine, BL fantasy, music, and stardom (as a 9 year old's mom watches with trepidation as a sweat-soaked 20 year-old on Sunday at 1PM flails around at a public bowling alley). Here is a link to a video a friend made of me dancing so you get the picture. Here are some stills from Silver Beat's music video that will clue you in to its intense evocation of BL beautiful boy aesthetics.




Just wanted to share lil bit about this hobby of mine and my love of this song on the machine. Happy to have started a blog and hope to share more regularly around these parts. Also, if you'd like to play this song it is in the little jukebox at the bottom left under "Tatsh- Silver Beat". Maybe my next blog post will be a complete break down of every still in Silver Beat's amv... or more on subjective/affective experience of piu...